In the past few years we have been able to almost double our business. This is in spite of increased competition and what has been hailed as the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. As I reflect on how we did this, 4 things come mind. These four tactics are really just the way we do business…
1. Do more with less: We did not cut our marketing, inventory or service level when we smelled trouble. When we had a big box competitor enter our market, we did not adjust our spending in anticipation of a sales drop off. People don’t want to be on a sinking ship so don’t give them a reason to think you are sinking.
2. Invest: We have continually re-invested in our building, equipment and image, keeping things new and fresh every 3–5 years.
3. Re-invent: As the market has shifted we have looked for new opportunities. Some of these things have been natural extensions of what we already have done and some we have had zero experience in. Some things have worked better than we imagined they would and some have not done as well as hoped. Getting into the coffee business was huge success while getting into wood, pellet and gas stoves hasn’t fared as well.
4. Be the best at what matter most: It all comes back to relationships and value. We are in it for the long game. We are not just selling stuff to people, we know our customers by name and we seek to give them value by fulfilling their needs in a meaningful way.
These four things come from the desire to be in the drivers seat looking at the market and the competition through the rear view mirror as we pass them rather than the windshield as we follow.